#18 Refocusing my direction… and maybe yours too?

Lately I’ve been feeling like I need to add some structure to my days. I want to wake up excited and sure of what I get to do that day and what I am working towards! It’s hard and sometimes feels overwhelming when there are things I want to work on as a coach, as an athlete, as a human, and for Go Forward as a whole. I had a dream the other night that I was flying in the sky riding Rudolph (yes, the red-nosed reindeer) when suddenly the little guy started deflating (he was full of air) and I went plummeting down deep into the ocean. I could see the top of the water but I couldn’t get up there, I was stuck. I woke up and my heart was RACING because I mean I was literally drowning in my dream. I think sometimes dreams mean something and sometimes they don’t but, I did in fact research what it means when you dream you’re drowning immediately afterwards and the internet said I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed. And ya know what? The internet was right. I decided I needed to destress with some planning and direction. And Hot Dog! There are so many areas of our lives we can grow and develop in!

I work best on paper (instead of on electronics) so I started with a huge piece of poster paper and sectioned out the different broad topics I want to intentionally develop in. Then I broke them down. After breaking them down I wrote this month’s goal for each of them and how I will achieve it underneath. For example, I want to finish my book on the Cycle Syncing Method this month so I will read 10 pages a day which has me finishing just before my birthday! (Yes, hello, my birthday is this month, August 30th to be exact). 

I also recently started following the Cycle Syncing Method Morning Routine from that same book by Alisa Vitti.  Incorporating cycle syncing, which includes nutrition choices, type and time of exercise, and type of work and self care to focus on based on your hormonal brain make up all based on the phase of your cycle, is another one of my goals this month. I’m currently in the ovulatory phase of my cycle and during this phase she recommends meditation visualizing what you want to attract in the world this month. This is the one I listened to this morning:

It really is a great way to start your day feeling hopeful and excited. Try it out and let me know what you think. I know meditation can feel weird at first but there are so many different ways to meditate. It really has impacted my life in such a positive way. It’s not even about meditating in the way that we often think of meditation but more about setting aside time in your day to be mindful.

If you’re trying to find direction in your life I recommend writing! Whether it be in the form of journaling or doing some google searching and finding some prompts to get you in the flow of righting. Here’s a good place to start:

  1. Describe in detail a day in your dream life. Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? What are you wearing? Get SPECIFIC people! Indulge in it! Really place yourself there.

  2. What excites you? When do you feel the most present, like there is no concept of time?

  3. What is something you can do this month to get you closer to that dream life?

  4. What is one thing you can do today to get your current self closer to that dream life?

So go on now, get after it. Go forward ;)


#19 The Paradox of Being Grateful Yet Demanding


#17 A Happy Yet Indecisive Rugger