Go Forward Fitness

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#35 Journal Prompt: For when you could use a smile.

We’re doing a different style of blogging today my dears because I simply needed this little journal prompt and hope it may help lead you to a smile (or many) in your day. After surgery I started taking a positive psychology class online at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with Barbara Fredrickson (10/10 would recommend and it’s free!). The class has really felt like a form of therapy to me because yes I want to increase my number of experiences with positive emotions and that has been particularly challenging during this time. So as I was reviewing my notes like the good student I am I came across the 10 positive emotions that Professor Barb had shared. Just hearing them made me feel a little lighter. And the more I thought about them the lighter I felt. Actually take the time to answer these questions and see what comes up for you. 

What was your last experience that brought you…











Just a reminder to savor those feelings and to remember those experiences, people, and places that gave you a warmmmm and light feeling :)