#24 That was not the plan, Stan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hi! I’m back in the USA! Between getting COVID and visa complications I am rather shocked I made it but here I am! I did not know until 24 hours before my flight from Spain to the US, when I got my negative COVID test and a confirmation email from the Spanish Consulate in NYC, that I could take my flight home. See the thing is that you can be a tourist when from the USA in Europe for 90 days without a visa. And that’s what I’ve been doing for the past 3 months but the time is a ticking and the club has been working on a visa but with Spanish bureaucracy that bad boy is still pending approval. Anywho the club administration assured me that todo estaría bien (all would be good) if I went home, because I could easily get the visa in the US. So I hopped on that flight ready to rumpumpumpum the holidays away with my familia.
I really think if there is one thing I have learned or continue to learn over and over again it’s that plans are incredibly malleable. We can have a plan. I myself love a good plan. But sometimes, my friends, that plan goes to shit.
Long story short, the visa appointment did not go according to plan, almost all the documents the club had given me were not accepted at the consulate which really does suck major booty because I very very much want to play the second half of the season with my team.
I’m currently reading the book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. He talks about the quantum physics behind our ability to create our own future, “your thoughts have consequences so great they create your reality.” And I 1 million percent believe it so I want to be clear here that I’m not saying nothing is promised in a helpless or sad sort of way. What I am saying is that sometimes we have an idea of how something is going to go and then it simply does not go that way. And I believe we have to trust in that process, trust in the universe, and believe that we are right where we need to be. I will also admit that before I was denied my visa application I thought that it wasn’t going to go well… soooo did I manifest that?… I mean idk maybe? Regardless I’m ready to turn the beat around.
I’ve learned that there are different paths to a desired outcome. And getting mad, being stressed, feeling that tight tension in between your temples about something you can’t control really is a waste of this glorious time that we get on earth. AND it doesn’t even change the situation :/
Yes, it sucks. You’re irritated, shit darn. But how long are you going to stay upset for? How can you get yourself enjoying the present moment again? And how can you create the reality that you want? Do you ever notice how when you’re thinking negative thoughts and emotions that everything is extra irritating to you? What if we could recognize that moment and pull ourselves out of it? Oh wait…get outta town, we can!
Good buddy Joe says thoughts are the language of the mind and feelings are the language of the body. This was unplanned but I’m gonna try a little experiment here with manifestation. The idea is that with heightened emotions and clear objectives in alignment I can manifest my future. The heightened emotions comes from meditation where I visualize the clear objectives so vividly that my body actually believes it’s experiencing the event. Btw if you’re a nonbeliever there has been statistically significant studies on this which you can read about in Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. Or you can follow my journey here :)
Anywho, I meditate usually 15 minutes a day roughly 5 days a week. Those meditation minutes are now going to be spent visualizing my clear objective of playing rugby in Getxo with my team January 24th, one week before our first game back. I have to admit that right now I’m in a place where I don’t see that happening SO we gotta change that through the power of thought and meditation baby to get my body to feel it.
Clear objective thoughts + heightened feelings on the same wavelength = Desired outcome
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits says, “Your current habits are perfectly designed to deliver your current results.” I love that quote but I want to give it a little spirituality remix, or a Joe D remix if you will;
Your current thoughts are perfectly designed to deliver your current life.
Change your thoughts, change your life. So, my question to you is, how are you talking to yourself on a daily basis?
Happy New Year gorgeous humans. Let’s manifest the shit out of 2022.